Category Archives: Uncategorized

In the beginning

Apparently I’ve had a week off. I know because of the calendar. It feels like I just left work this afternoon and now I have to start a new job tomorrow. Owing to the fact that all personnel HR departments, in all sectors, appear to suffer from the same level of bollocksness, I have no idea where or what time to start work tomorrow. So I’m going to turn up at 9am and just hope it all works. To be honest I’m cool with such lax arrangements at a place of work. And what’s the worst that can happen – a sacking ? Hmm.

Last night was great despite being quiet. On second thoughts, perhaps it was great because it was quiet. Quality time with Michele, Humph and a top curry is just what I needed. Even the TV looked promising; The Royal Tannenbaums was scheduled and I’ve always wanted to see it. The IMDb reviews are quite peculiar because they are either full-on raves or bile-filled rants with no-one sitting on the fence. I’m delighted to announce that I’m firmly in the hate camp. Not loathing, that’s reserved for Peter Greenaway films, but “anti” nonetheless. As my dad observed, ” I kept waiting for it to start”.
None of the things we were promised were present, for example “humour”, “darkness”, “insight” or “being interesting”. We gave up after about forty-five minutes because we were diverted by watching Michele’s nail polish dry.
Later, out of desperation rather than insight, I put C4 to watch Birthday Girl. Despite being obvious Hollywood crap (I mean it’s got Nicole kidman in it FFS), might provoke some interest. What I got ,after some investment in time, was a well acted, clever little comedy drama that kept me glued (give it half an hour before you turn it off). And Nicole Kidman turns out to be a really great actress too. Well bugger me.

Afterwards, as I was wallowing in post-movie thought, there was an urgent knock at the front window which nearly caused my heart and rectum to panic. I looked out to see an old, old friend that clearly wasn’t there because he lives on the other side of the country. As my legs started to crumble beneath me, I looked again, and he was waving! Oh Jesus, is this it ?

Naahh….Steve Harper was really there, together with Pete and Bill from down the road. He’d come up for the weekend and was kipping there the night. So, the least I could do was invite them in for a chat and that’s what I did. The most I could have done was to offer them some tea/wine/etc but, being crap and still stunned I didn’t. Sorry Guys.

And so, to bed (via an episode of The Sweeney I taped earlier).

London bombs

The inevitable anti-muslim backlash has begun following the recent bombings. The usual meaningless tripe about “groups linked to Al-Quaeda” has been spouted almost non-stop by the press since the morning of the blasts. But whichever bunch of nutters is responsible, all they have done is moved the fascist fader in the brains of the Great British public, up a few notches. An odd, but utterly predictible outcome for such an act.
As someone on the radio, possibly Charles Clarke, commented, the plot “went under the radar of the intelligence services”. This I find genuinely odd and can only imagine that MI5/GTAC were looking in the wrong place. In other words, perhaps we should hold off before we decide who’s to blame.
The last time a terrorist “went under the radar” in London it was the right-wing psycho nazi nailbomber, David Copeland. Copeland was trying to start a race war and got away with three nail bombs before being caught. The spooks couldn’t have done it without the help of moles within the far-right. In the grand old tradition of MI5, they missed this plot from the fascists.
Copeland was mentored by extreme nazi lunatic David Myatt who, after his lifetime of nazi theorising, now claims to be a muslim. He is also a supporter of suicide attacks. Cynics might suggest his conversion to Islam was simply a method of spreading tensions beween religions and races.

Either way, he, Copeland and all of the other neo nazis are presumably delighted by the bombings and the racial tension they will assist in heating.

Er…that’s it

Since the last blog lots of things have happened. Obvious really but I thought I should mention it because I don’t plan to try and remember them in any detail.As humph preens my hair, here they are in a nutshell:

  • My last week at Goldsmiths has been and gone. More about this later.
  • I Still haven’t written to anyone 🙁
  • For health reasons ,I have stopped drinking.
  • Michele had a birthday.
  • We had our eighth wedding anniversary.
  • My sister has moved back to London at last!
  • The 120GB Maxor hard-disk I bought to replace the 80 Maxtor drive that packed-up without warning, packed-up without warning. I’m now the proud owner of a 300G Seagate drive and in the process of recompiling my music collection. technology…tchoh…
  • 4 bombs went off in London during the rush-hour and,without wanting to belittle the terrible trauma of the families involved, very few people were killed or injured.
  • Live 8 and G8 came and went
  • All of the Londoners who didn’t even want the sodding olympics still got a warm smug feeling when the announcement was made. But purely because it didn’t go to Paris 🙂
  • other stuff too probly

Yesterday was my last day at Goldsmiths. It’s true to say that after 13 years I’ve become a tad institutionalised and so it’s very difficult to believe at the moment. There was a leaving do in the Hobgoblin after work and it was great, if not a little emotional. Not drinking at such an event is surprisingly enjoyable. Apart from remembering it the next day, I didn’t feel ill, didn’t say or do anything regretful and still had as good a time. Weird eh ?

When I resigned, it was made clear that I didn’t want a collection or a ceremony. Mainly because I’d left and returned several years ago; two collections would be a bit embarrassing. They cheated and made a collection but turned it into a kitty to buy everyone drinks which was great. They also bought me a present, wrapped in brown paper to reduce its presentishness. The perfect present in fact: a USB hub and combined coffee cup warmer! Fantastic.
[Humph says: 8ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttt ]

There were cards full of really lovely comments, an excellent custom-made t-shirt [“veg – out”] that loads of people signed. lots of people I haven’t seen for ages turned up too. Lovely to see you folks!

Plenty of people took pictures so there should be some up soon.

This morning, Suzanne was kind enough to help me move my 13 years of office detritus from work to home. Two huge carboard-boxes full of junk, an old Alpha, and a ZX81. We’ve got too much stuff in our little flat…

When I got home last night, the realisation that I’d left the place kicked in and caused me to panic. Scary things.


Tip of the day: “never reheat food in a microwave for less than 4 minutes”. If only I had read this in my blog before I wrote it, perhaps I wouldn’t have spent so much time puking on things today.
After a couple of dignified projectile vomiting sessions before work, I foolishly decided to go in regardless. In fairness, I managed to hold back the stomach flinches for an hour, a long phonecall, and the recovery of a crashed finance server before deciding to bail out and go home. Sadly, that five-minute walk proved two and a half minutes too long and I capitulated to the will of my wretch muscles: all over the shrubs at the front of the college. Hey, it was either that or over the passing pedestrians.
This is most ill I’ve been for a long while, and I’m still feeling rough as a badger’s arse.

Life seems scary at the moment. My dreams have been very, very distressing as a result. Some mornings I wake up feeling like I’ve spent the last eight hours being abused and beaten up by everyone from close friends to Michael Caine.

Tiger – or just a cute pussycat with no teeth ?

After a long delay, mainly spent waiting for the first bugfix release, I’ve installed Tiger on this iBook. The joy I experienced going from Jaguar to Panther was absent and replaced with a sense of irritation that Apple had been messing about with shit without asking. It was slow, buggy and had incorporated some really tedious extra features. I also had to recompile a bunch of stuff we use at work for the open access machines.

But, after a weekend of mucking about I’m now using a system I’m happy with. You have to turn off all of the bloated crap they put in for the boy-racer dimwits (dashboard/spotlight) and I had to replace a bunch of old plists with some now ones, but it’s working well now. In fact it seems to be a tad faster (after turning off that spotlight bilge anyway). OK they’ve decided to ditch ‘init’ and ‘cron’ in favour of some trash called ‘launchd’ but for a workstation this doesn’t bother me – now if this was a server I’d be setting fire to effigies of Steve Jobbs but thankfully not. It’s still a pleasure to use compared to the alternatives, and I can still compile and run Gimp and Xephem.

Talking of Gimp, I downloaded a superb Gimp script that lets you put lightsabres on photos with almost no effort. Sad I know but it really does it for me 🙂
The new Safari’s pretty good too! It spotted the atom feeds on this blog and sandwichselector!
er…that’s it for now. Loads of news, none bloggable.

Danger BUI

This is BUI so I apologise in advance. If you’re reading this then you’re either not out on a saturday night (BST)/(Sad as Me) or I didn’t delete this post on sunday. We all lose!
Thanks to all you wellwishers and apologies for being such a crap correspondent – this weekend is payback time 🙂

You missed Zap’s Birthday! BTW…

After the departmental meeting on Wednesday I handed in my resignation. Every time I’ve ever made a decision that’s on a similar order of personal magnitude, it has resulted in a period (albeit brief) of mellow feelings. This was no exception, and the joy of resigning after my last ever CS departmental meeting was wonderful. Whatever happens from now on is going to be gloriously DIFFERENT! Woohoo! Some dice-shaking is what we needed!
The gorgeous people who manage our flat have also suggested that we may be able to continue our tenure! This is great for so many reasons, not least of which is that it’s bloody convenient for just about everything!

Today we went to Woolies for the first time in years…for me anyway. We were there to buy “baby” Peter a present. As “baby” Peter is now 5, I was given the perfect opportunity to wander around the toys section with verifyable credibility! What a joy! If I were 5 then Woolies would be a wonderland; a place of wonderful things that my mum and dad could and would deny me owing to physical, financial and logical constraints. So, being a grown-up on a mission to actually buy a cool toy was almost too much to cope with. We bought this wicked set of “spy” binoculars (with a built-in torch/spy-scope natch) and green coated lenses to give that psycho-stalker effect. Peter was so absorbed with all his new toys (mini-golf clubs with caddy pack, proper binoculars, a world map jigsaw, Lego Star Wars figures with lightsabres that REALLY LIGHT UP -yeah – none of this crappy yellow slide-it-down-lukes-arm shit, this is serious warsstuff!) that he didn’t notice the hours tick by. I can’t believe that little man is the same person as the little pink ball Michele was cuddling in a certain photo we all relish.

Ch ch ch changes

Turbulence, of our own making. As Michele repeatedly said to me, just before we got married, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Well, I wished for a new job and appear to have it. A job at C——p. If you’ve never heard of them then just remember that they probably own you. A multi national global capitalist organ. But hey, they pay better, I’ll be working, at worst, in Lewisham, at best from home, and the stuff I deal with is purely open source (sendmail/perl etc)! Hoorah! Goodbye Windows! Goodbye users! They also seem like a good bunch of people. And I’m not even going to miss the Goldsmiths possee because I’ll still be able to see em all! Woohoo.

The only potential bugger is the spectre of moving house. We presume we’ll have to move out of cosy little flat as we’re no longer full time college employees 🙁

I’ve been into Big Brother and I do feel dirty as a result. But this time I’ve propped up my pathetic addiction by taking part in discussions on and on irc://
Also, after my dad gave me a CD of Stan Tracey’s music for Under Milk Wood, I fear I may end up really liking Jazz 🙂

Musical Taste/Brain Damage

Michele’s commented on how “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears reminded her of being 14. It reminds me of thinking “What is this shit music ? Can’t I put my Run DMC tape on ?”. Now I like it. Obviously because my musical taste has matured….on the other hand, if at 14 someone had told me I’d like Tears for Fears at age 34, I’d have put it down to clear senility.