Time travel

Time travel can have a very strong impact on the human body and mind. Two weeks ago Michele and I went to the UK, and as soon as we landed I traveled forwards in time two weeks. Now I’m on the sofa surrounded by birds and a bat. For some weird reason I have memories of the missing two weeks, but it seems more like a dream. Now it’s Sunday night and I’m back to work tomorrow. Which life is real, the one in London or the one here? Or is this all a dream?

All that’s left is a few scenic photos and some memories. For the benefit of my LTM, the memories include:

  • Nights at the Hob, the Walpole, the Amersham, the Glasshouse, the Market Porter
  • Lots and lots of lovely, lovely, people who we both really miss…but we still missed out on seeing loads of others – mainly because of the crapper than usual weather which kept us snuggled up indoors for most of the first week
  • Food and drink! Curries, kebabs, a particularly good steak pie, wine, beer, Calvados and all-sorts…not to mention my mum’s peerless roasts and breakfasts
  • Scenery, history and vibes
  • Family, which we both miss

Now we’re back and the birds were very happy to see us. While we were away Pepper reverted to her bad old ways, probably thinking we had abandoned her. As a result Michele and I have both sustained many nasty bites and blood has been drawn. But after the application of some gentle re-education and love she has calmed done and for the last couple of days hasn’t even threatened me with a bite. Poor confused little girl.
Leo has been even more loving than usual – it’s very flattering to be recognised by a small bird, let alone be adored by one.
Work tomorrow.
Despite that, it’s good to be home.



We’d been warned that this was the worst time to visit the Uk, what with a combination of record-breakingly low temperatures, extraordinary levels of snow, and Britain’s staunch refusal to prepare for, or cope with, such conditions, but we’d booked the tickets and just wanted to GO.

It was all going so well too: we’d sorted out the bird sitting, booked time off work, put timers on the lights, and engaged in the late stage panic, and then they cancelled the flight. I already hated Gatwick and US Airways, but now I just felt sad. I’d predicted problems and, unlike with the lottery, my predictions were accurate.

So, I called US Air and settled in for an extended period of annoyance and disappointment. After a lengthy period on hold, I spoke to a Lady who told me that the earliest flight they could put me on was next Tuesday. There was a long, long pause while I assessed each possible outcome and realised it’s fail value. Eventually I explained that this was no good, and was about to cancel everything when the lady uttered a magic incantation that immedgately cheered my mood.
“The only other thing I can do is call the other airlines and see if we can get you on one of their flights”
What? You can do that? There must be a catch I thought.
“But what about our tickets?” I asked.
“Oh they’ll be transferred to the other airline. But I’ll have to put you on hold, is that ok?”
Well I didn’t feel like going on hold so I decided to give up and just write off the tickets and forget about going home.
Only joking.
To cut a long story short, this wonderful woman got us a flight on a different (and hopefully better) airline and we’re now sitting in Newark airport (after a short flight on a Bedford Rascal with wings) and drinking a $9 pint of Guinness in the “Guinness Irish Pub” which sells paninis and reubens.
We’ve also been to a “wine bar” that ripped us off, while it was ripping us off. I hate fucking airports.

So, still time for another cancellation, but at least there’s Guinness.
Apologies for typos/spelligns.


Gobbler Shortis

Now, I’m aware that Wawa gets mentioned way too frequently on this blog, but we have just about come to the end of a glorious era that lasted months where you could take $3 into a Wawa and get a “Turkey Gobbler” in return. For the uninitiated this consists of roast turkey in gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pepper-jack cheese, in a “shorti” hoagie roll [cheese and sauce optional].

An aside: my workmates and I (especially the male workmates) object to the name “Shorti” being applied to this particular hoagie because it is six inches long. The ten inch roll is called “Classic” (no argument there), the four inch a “Junior”, again no complaints. But “Shorti” for a six inch hoagie? We’d be far happier if it was called something like the “Actually Statistically Average Roll” or the “Healthy and Normal Roll” or even the “Nothing to Worry About There Honest Roll”.

But for $3, you’re getting a big and satisfying lunch and the Shorti is available in whole-wheat! Fantastic!

Now they are doing the same sort of deal for Breakfast Rolls! $3 for egg, bacon and all sorts of other goodies in a massive hoagie!

Sometimes I appreciate living in such a bountiful land.


Terminal tossery

If I were a solipsist, it would be easy to believe that Bono’s place on this Earth was solely to consistently amaze ME with the purity of his odiousness. But I’m not, and so he must actually be that odious of his own volition.

Now, in recent times, despite being nothing more than a painful, obnoxious, fissure on the anus of music, he has managed to amass wanker points by clinging to and emphasising the whole stadium rock-band image that he and that pillock with the stupid hat, name, and effects-pedal, have been trying to live since before the concept actually died out.

Really, who actually enjoys, likes, or even listens to that bland, accessible, clichéd music U2 churn out? Even more bizarre is the question of who buys it? Worse still, who are these armies of cretins who pay to see them in concert?

OK, there will be a handful of people who cling on to the memories of U2 as the spokespeople of an oppressed nation, but there can’t be more than 30 of them left by now, so who are these other loons that crowd out the stadium? Are they real people? Perhaps they’re just UMG automatons employed to scream at the sight of a crap-talking dwarf, in sunglasses, in the dark, backed by some 80 year old in a woolly hat who plucks guitar strings into a digital delay?

Now, until today I thought I couldn’t hate everything that Bono did any more than I did already. But now he has extended his evil tentacles of wrongness to the issue of “illegal downloads”. You’d think that after spending 30 years sucking Satan’s cock, Bono would probably fancy a glass of water by now, but no. He keeps on gagging, and now he’s proclaiming that ISPs are responsible for killing the music industry. Would that be the same industry that is keeping you in your outrageously ostentatious lifestyle?

By a bizarre twist of fate, I now work in the music industry, and as a result I’m surrounded by music industry people. Every story I’d ever heard about what a prodigal pit of corruption and evil turns out to be wrong; it’s far worse than those stories claim. So, the fact that it’s now suffocating under the pressure of independent and fringe artists being able to sell their music directly to the fans without having to buy loads of cocaine, prostitutes, and yachts, for the middle-men is a good thing isn’t it ?
OK it’ll probably mean an end to the gazillionaire rock/rap starts in massive palaces…but again, that’s a good thing isn’t it?


Gannin yerm forra cupla weeks like

The festivities are over, but I’m still on holiday as the result of needing to chew up two days of leave before January. Rules like that piss me off, but until something radical changes, that’s what we have to deal with.

So, we decided that the best course of action would be to go back to the UK for a time in January and by sheer luck managed to find some astonishingly cheap (and astonishingly crap) tickets. We have to go via North Carolina (seriously) and also have to go on US Air (really). But despite the double-dose of suck, we can go back to London for a couple of weeks and at the moment a holiday is what we both crave. It may not sound like a holiday to you cynical Brits, but at the moment the idea of spending two weeks in the grey, drizzly, slush of London is the sort of dream holiday I would wish for if I were on a dream holiday during a dream, on a dream holiday.

It’s little things you miss, and so I’ve started compiling a list of little things to try and achieve during our stay.

So if you’re around, please get in touch with a mobile number and we can meet up and see, eat, or drink something cool together.


A Quick Rant

Here is a simple example of something that highlights some substantial flaws in American culture.

Generally speaking, I don’t watch much TV over here because of the outrageous number of commercials. I just can’t bear it. But today, I noticed that the SyFy channel (formally “Sci-Fi”) was going to show the first “Saw” film at 4:30 in the afternoon. I don’t like horror films, especially nasty ones but I wanted to see it out of a morbid curiosity.

So I flicked over to SyFy to be confronted by a woman repeatedly stabbing a burned corpse in the face. It’s 4:25pm. This is the end of the movie “Autopsy”. Cut to a 7 minutute commercial break. Back to Autopsy. A two minute scene, bypassing the credits into a “viewer discretion warning”: “parental discretion is advised”. Yeah well it’s R rated so I imagine it would be.

After around 40 minutes of movie, and about 20 minutes of jocular Christmas commercials, we witness:

  • A man cutting himself to death escaping from a razor-wire mesh.
  • A woman with a steel contraption attached to her head that would rip her mouth open 180 degrees if she doesn’t find the key in one minute.
  • The woman extracting the key from the stomach of a drugged up guy in the same room, with a big knife.
  • A naked man, covered in flammable paint trying to find the combination to a safe in the middle of a floor covered in broken glass.
  • The violent kidnap of a mother and daughter where the kidnapper listens to the heart rate of the child while he waves a gun at the mother.

Yeah, maybe some parental discretion would be prudent, especially at 5pm.

But there’s saving grace in all of this. OK, the scenes may contain some potentially disturbing material, especially for faggy liberals, but the word “shit” was blanked when the soon-to-kidnapped mother said the word “bullshit”. From past experience I also know that any immoral nudity and sex will be removed too. So in fact it’s all a bit of harmless fun for the kids after all!

I’m going back to the family Christmas entertainment now; some bloke’s about to have two electric drills driven into his skull.

[an explanation for the ironically challenged: I have no problem with gruesome films any more than I do with roller-coasters. Some people like them, fine, I don’t. Enjoy. But I do have a problem with them being shown in the name of science fiction. I also have a problem with them being shown at 4pm. But the biggest problem I have is that what’s considered dangerous and immoral is not the brutal violence, but some arbitrary words like “shit”, “fuck” and “cunt”, and even implications of sexuality.]


Neighbours, snow, and shit

Over 22 inches of snow fell on Saturday. It’s beautiful but also managed to highlight some good and bad aspects of the neighbourhood attitudes. Here’s how it works:

You dig out the path in front of your house. That’s a minimum requirement. We are spectacularly lucky to have Tim next door who was nurtured on these laws and goes the extra distance in shoveling his neighbour’s pavements. He’s a good man and he’s our neighbour – that’s quite a good thing you know. Next, you need to get your car out. So you dig it out (which is hard work). The next step is that most people then claim their empty, dig-space by putting stuff like chairs in it when the car’s not there. Despite being anti-social, it’s something understandable. Shoveling snow is really hard work and when someone takes advantage of your work, it’s harsh.

But in reality it’s just like the other thing I hate dealing with: parking. Honestly, I couldn’t give a single type-7 shit about parking. But here, it’s an issue way above religion. When snow becomes involved tensions ride higher than ever.

M came home from somewhere or other today and found a parking spot. Obviously, it was a spot that someone had dug out (because all of them are) but evidently the digger was unhappy about his/her work being used by someone else (even a neighbour) and so attempted to “teach us a lesson” for parking in some available space by piling up a bunch of snow all over the front of the car. This upset M, quite a lot. One thing you have to know about her is that she generally doesn’t understand why people do shitty things, especially when they do it to someone who intended no malice in the first place. She finds it jarring in the deepest way and I can only admire her for it. However, as an opinionated arsehole, my attitude is that these people are wrong and don’t understand the stupidity of what they’re doing and so I don’t get upset; more irritated.
But seeing how upset M was, I got supremely irritated. This was probably related to the dire experiences from earlier in the evening: an aside:

As the result of a non-work related minor computer emergency, I left work late and had to lurch through some serious snowdrifts (did I mention that King of Prussia hates pedestrians?) and then across an icy, unlit road in the dark. When I got to the other side I jumped, to avoid oncoming traffic, to the top of the snow embankment. It was a matter of milliseconds before I remembered there were a load of spiky bushes underneath the white coating, and before managing to rationalise the current situation, I was stuck in a bush, totally covered in snow, totally unable to escape, and with a strong fear of missing the precious, hourly-scheduled bus. I eventually managed to hyperventilate and scratch myself free from the spiky, snowy, bush and plunge through the deep snow. A few small scars, frozen hands and a poor score on the dignitometer. It took me two hours to get home.

So, you will understand that by the time I did get home, the sight of my wife being upset, pissed off, and confused by someone’s lame, passive-aggressive protest got me riled. So I strapped on the cleats and stomped over to the neighbours’ to ask if they were responsible for this pathetic act of impotent protest. Being prejudiced, like most people, I tried “the usual suspects” first. They didn’t answer, or were out. So I tried the nice people who had bought the late “Da Mayor”‘s house. It took a while for an unfamiliar person to answer the door, but when he did it was obvious he knew why I was there. I’ll cut the rest of the disturbing dialog out, but these are the main points:

  • He said he did it. I asked why.
  • He explained and I said that rather than cover our car in snow for whatever reason he had, he should have come over and told us the nature of his beef.
  • He immediately shook my hand and we were friends. Then his missus opened the door and started explaining the reasons for their anger. She wasn’t very convincing.

I accused them both of “passive-agressive shit” and they both apologised. M came out of the house, still very upset, and started accusing them of doing what they did [she hadn’t heard the mellow agreements]. I was still uptight about the whole thing and continued to drop into rabid accusations of anti-social behaviour, but at the slightest sign of capitulation or consensus, leapt on it.

A short while later there was a knock at the door. M was still upset [not angry, upset – she rightly gets upset when people attack her for invalid reasons]. But I answered the door, and there was our aggrieved neighbour with a box of exceedingly good beer that he’d brought over as a gesture of neighbourlyness. I nearly started crying with happiness. I invited him in for some Carlo Rossi and we spent a very amusing hour talking joyful shit about all kinds of shit. It also turns out that he is a beer brewer! He was drunk, but also extremely nice and apologetic about the whole deal. And this was despite how abusive I’d been to them on their step. Essentially I think they agreed that it’s better to be friendly, or at least direct, with the neighbours rather than wage a war of attrition.

So, we’ve met some new neighbours and we got a crate of nice beer as a result. That’s not too bad.


Alice and the birds

One of the problems of keeping parrots is that they are (generally) very clever. That’s “very clever” for pets, not humans. Depending on the species of parrot, they can have intelligence raging from baby human to 4-year-old human. Our big guys are around the 18 month human stage, but with wings. Can you imagine flying toddlers ? What about flying toddlers that never grow up ? That’s our guys. They spend their entire lives battling for territory, trying to have sex with whatever is nearby, and beaking and destroying things.
Pepper, the fiery redhead, is obsessed with nesting. This involves her trying to find a dark nook (or cranny) she can sit in for hours on end, ripping up whatever is rippable nearby.

Last night, I came home to discover that she had ripped up the back cover, and many of the preceding pages of my favourite edition of Alice in Wonderland. If any human had done this, I would have regarded it as the worst crime against all that is righteous and been forced to hunt and kill them. But with Pepper, all I could do was fume. She doesn’t understand what that book means to me. Looking at her, the worst I can detect is mischief…but no malice.

So, to quell my frustration, I’ve just ordered myself a copy of The Annotated Alice: The Definitive Edition.

One-click ordering is way too easy.
