T-shirt factory

Michele bought me some really appropriate birthday presents this year. One in paticular really got me going: a pack of paper for printing onto black t-shirts. What a toy. We had our first go on saturday, printing a t-shirt for Steve the Copper with a picture of Mr. Slow on it (look at the photo and you’ll see why). After wasting about 5 sheets dealing with the usual printer type problems…grrrr…we got one that looked great. Steve certainly seemed to like it. After presenting it to him, Brodie, Steve, Michele and I went down to the Curry Centre in Lewisham and ate too much. It’s so good to see that place open again. They’ve been there since 1965 and when they got closed down recently Michele and I were quite upset. Especially when we noticed the Bailiffs notice pinned to the door. Not to sure about the new “modern” decor, I always liked the traditional taj-mahal/flock wallpaper style, but the food was still good – and they gave us all Brandies on the house – nice people.

It’s another Bank Holiday weekend thank god. So far I’ve done another t-shirt, for myself this time. It sort of looks like this, and we’ve done a card for Ralph (michele’s step dad). Quite a creative weekend all in all.


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