
For a long while now we haven’t watched any broadcast TV. This isn’t something we’re proud of or smug about, we just haven’t. In fact the only time we turn on the cable box is when we go out and want to provide the birds with some background blather. It’s an unusual house.
There are many reasons for this, and I won’t bore you with the details, suffice to say that we are still telly addicts, but we just watch stuff we have either downloaded or have access to on demand. Up until last weekend we had a little PC under the TV: it was small, cuboid, and allowed us to play any of the terabytes of content I have backed-up to our fileserver. This was great although it was expensive to run and the “silent” fans were anything but.
The combined power of alcohol, desire and the simplicity of paying for shit on the Internet caused me to order a new piece of kit that had been recommended to me by a friend. It is now my favourite thing in the whole world: Roku.

When it arrived I thought there was some sort of mistake; the box was far too small. The Roku box is a tiny little thing that allows us to watch TV unavailable on any other outlet. We can watch any of Netflix’s live material, which includes a Comcast-smashingly huge array of excellent material. For example, since installing this lovely magic box, I’ve been able to watch League of Gentlemen, a bunch of Tom Baker Dr Who, The Third Man, Willy Wonka, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy TV Series, THX 1138, Blade Runner etc etc.

There are also a load of “channels” to which you can subscribe that provide a seemingly infinite amount of content ranging from original, interesting material to TheUsualOldShit(tm). For example I’m currently listening to Pandora, which is pumping out a bunch of music it thinks (correctly for the most part) I would like.

But the best bit is that this is a relatively “open platform”; not only does it run Linux, but it has a very lightweight, free, cross-platform, development environment that allows anyone to create their own channels. The upshot of this is that I can now play my own video/music collection on it, over the network.

The idea of having original content, created by anyone, excites me. People can even charge for it if they wish and some, including Amazon, already do.

If you have a Netflix account then cancel your cable and GET ONE!



You know when you go to work, then come home, and sleep until the next day…and the only thing that keeps you going is the thought of the weekend? Well it’s not been like that for me, but Michele has been working 12 hour days recently and so it all seems quite heavy; we seem to spend so little time together. But we have found opportunities to enjoy life, and that must be a good thing, mustn’t it?
There are lots of other good things going on that I can’t blog about, but regardless my day job is currently challenging, interesting, and full of funny people, so I can’t complain.
It’s difficult not to start philosophising[en-us spell-checks don’t like the “s” there btw. Fuck them.] about growing older, but of course we all do. As you probably know, I’m a youthful 22 year old. However it turns out that Mr Passage-of-Time has ordained that despite this fact, I’m actually nearly 40; ridiculous I’m sure you agree.



Another lame post

Crap post – sorry. Lots of stuff – no motivation. So, yet again, another list:



For the benefit of my memory, here are some recent events. Apologies to you, loyal reader, but I don’t want to get involved in lawsuits, because the law is an ass…

  • In the enlightened world, we understand that driving a car is something that deserves one’s full attention. So observing people who talk on the phone or, worse, text whilst driving is therefore quite bizarre to us. Tonight, as I was being given a ride home, I noticed the woman in the car next to us was texting and had neither hand on the steering wheel… OK we were crawling along, but it was I76 (expressway/motorway). I regarded her with contempt and tried to make eye contact. I failed.
    Less than 10 Meters down the road we heard a screech of tyres and managed to observe the silly bitch brake and drive onto the hard-shoulder just in time to avoid hitting the car in front.
  • I for one welcome our new (potential) Dutch overlords.
  • We have a new house-guest, a little powder-blue and white budgie. Let me know if you’re interested in giving him a full and loving life (and you live in/near Philly). We’re trying to find his genuine owners but if we fail – he’ll need some love.
  • mpg321 can’t handle ID3v2 tags properly. I have a patch if you’re interested.
  • I miss my family

Box of arseholes

Short geek rant.
Again I’ve been booted from my goto torrent site; a site I blogged about before and a site from which I have been banned more times than I like to remember. Every ban but one was unjustified and involved me accidentally transgressing one of their seemingly infinite number of rules. The “administration” there consist of a bunch of 1990’s IRC throwback kids who like to be in a position of power…you get the picture (well you do if you know what I’m talking about). If you can’t imagine them, picture the last Labour cabinet as 16 year old kids put in charge of the sixth-form common room.
Some examples of their impotent authoritarian posturing:

  • I got banned this time for breaking the rule “only one account per household.” This was because I sent an invite to a friend, who then tried to login to his account… while we were both using the same Internet connection. So household can mean “the people currently in the coffee shop with you” – I wonder if we can get a tax break for that?
  • You don’t get a warning or explanation, you just get blocked. If you want to find out why you were blocked, you have to go their IRC channel and talk to one of the “admins”. When I said that I thought that it was a harsh interpretation of that rule, he gave me a straw man: “I suppose you think everyone should have as many accounts as they want” and then pasted the household rule from their 10,000 commandments page, in case I didn’t understand that I was clearly a terrorist.
  • At this point they like you to kneel and beg for forgiveness but seeing as I’d rather fellate a warthog, I left.
  • They will immediately ban you for using a torrent client that isn’t on their state-approved list.
  • A month or so ago I was given an official warning for “making an anti-racist remark” in one of the forums. You read that right.

Oh well, time to blag another a new account and start getting my ratio up again. Honestly, what a shower of twats.


US Airlines Scam

Yesterday I received a peculiar letter; the envelope was covered in dense black print, and there were perforations along each side, like a payslip envelope. Several warnings were plastered all over the package explaining that this was urgent and must not be tampered with on penalty of death or thereabouts. There were also instructions for the postmaster to ensure it was delivered on a specific date. My immediate thought was “summons” (I don’t know what they look like here) so I reluctantly tore off the strips and opened it to discover it was actually notification from US Airlines that my frequent-flyer number had come up and I’d won two promotional airline tickets for anywhere in the US! Hmm, could it be a scam, I wondered? Well it had my frequently-flyer number, and I think I enrolled in the US Air frequent-flyer programme so it could be legit. Hey, if I call within 48 hours they’re also going to give me a $100 Dining Gift card! What could go wrong? And surely they wouldn’t be so brazen as to use the name of airline without permission.

Michele was more skeptical and after a quick Google found a question from someone, which confirmed it was a scam.

Here’s how it works. Tucked away in the mailing was another hidden page that you have to work hard to find. On it is written “Sponsored By IGlobe”, together with their temporary, rented, Philadelphia address, and a statement that a “60-minute presentation is required”. So you call, make an appointment and are promised you’ll walk out with the “vouchers for tickets”. You then have to sit through a time-share pitch and unless you sign up there and then, they “keep the vouchers for you.” If you want the vouchers at all, you have to send them the tax (which you are responsible for paying, according to more hidden smallprint) in advance, and they’ll mail the vouchers. Yeah, ok.

We got quite excited at the prospect of baiting some scammers and so immediately called. The phone was answered:
“Reservations, my name is Dumbass”
“Hi, I just got a letter telling me we’d won free airline tickets!” I said excitedly.
“Ah yes, can you give me your name and offer number?”
I did so.
“Ok, we’re IGlobe and this is a promotional offer so you’re required to attend a 60 minute presentation. We don’t do time-share, property leasing or…”

I love it when scammers try to divert attention from whatever racket they’re hawking by explicitly saying it isn’t what it is. “hi, this isn’t a sales call”, followed by a sales call, “hello, we’re in the area and we’re not selling anything”, followed by a double glazing pitch, “this isn’t a pyramid scheme”, before drawing a pyramid on a whiteboard. If only all crooks provided this service, it would make avoiding crime so much easier; burglars could ring the bell and tell you they’re not going to break in and steal all your gear just before they break in. You could make preparations! Bank robbers could change the wording of the note to “This isn’t a stick-up. But could you put all the money in this bag please to avoid getting shot. A much nicer world it would be. I digress.

“No it’s ok, all I really want is the tickets, so if you could send them.”
“No I’m afraid we can’t do that. If you look at the third page of the letter …[she explains how to find the hidden page]…if you attend the 60 minute presentation you’ll walk out with the vouchers.”
“No could you just send them to me, I’ll give you my address.”
“No we can’t do that sir, have a wonderful day…”
She hangs up. How rude!

I call back:
“Hello, I think there was some misunderstanding earlier, we appear to have been cut off!”
“Hold on a moment…”
She fetches the bitch in chief.
“Hi, I’m afraid we can’t send you the vouchers, you have to pick them up from the office.”
“Oh ok, can I come over today?”
“Yes! And you’ll need to attend the short presentation, but you’ll walk out with the vouchers.”
They weren’t going to budge, so I booked an appointment for 3:45 today and gave them our landline number, sans extension number. We’ll let Rufus deal with them.

It seems they are mobile scammers so expect them to be visiting your town very soon!

Halfway through writing a letter to US Airways to inform them about the abuse of their good name, I realised…doh!


A short rant about the abuse of computing power

This simple rule should be known by everyone who ever intends to sit in front of a computer keyboard:

If you find you are doing something tedious or repetitive on a computer, you are doing it wrong.

Such a simple rule and yet so many people fail to grasp it – sadly, many of these are self-proclaimed “IT Professionals(tm)”.

Computers are machines that were designed to do repetitive and tedious tasks faster, more efficiently, and with no wear – thus saving the human race from the misery of menial tasks.

How would Charles Babbage feel if he were given some brief glimpses into the 21st century workplace and could observe these all too common scenarios:

  1. Printing out email and then carrying it over to someone, who reads it, writes notes on the paper and then sends it back for the original person to retype and respond.
  2. Entering data into a spreadsheet/database by hand from a print-out that originated from someone else’s database.
  3. Writing out address labels for addresses that are kept on computer.
  4. Using Powerpoint for anything whatsoever.
  5. Printing out a spreadsheet and adding-up the column totals using a calculator.

The list of these dreadful abuses of technology is endless, and there are entire websites devoted to it.

So what do you do if you are instructed to do one of these tedious and pointless things? Having recognised the golden rule is being broken, you should start asking some questions. Firstly, in any admin department there should be at least one tech-savvy admin person who can do a mail-merge, import, or whatever simple thing is required to simplify the task. If not, ask an IT person – they should be able to provide a simple method of doing the task more efficiently. If not, then you are clearly surrounded by idiots – look for a new job. If you really like your job, then go to the Library, get a Dummies guide, and read it. Once you start displaying wizard-like skills and helping people save time, you will suddenly become more valuable.

But what if you are an IT person and you find yourself in the position of having to perform a routine and tedious task? Move up the ladder and ask an SA or a developer if there’s any way the job “can be scripted”. Uncooperative or surly SA’s and devs usually have profoundly large egos and so you may need a little social engineering. If one refuses to help, tell him the other guy said he’d do it, and in a very short time instead. They’ll usually bend.

Whatever you do, don’t abuse these amazing and powerful machines by using them as expensive typewriters.

Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to take you to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction, ’cause I don’t.
— Marvin the paranoid android


Mick Jagger on the anachronism that is the music business

Mick Jagger on Technology and Music:

I am quite relaxed about it. But, you know, it is a massive change and it does alter the fact that people don’t make as much money out of records. But I have a take on that – people only made money out of records for a very, very small time. When The Rolling Stones started out, we didn’t make any money out of records because record companies wouldn’t pay you! They didn’t pay anyone!

Then, there was a small period from 1970 to 1997, where people did get paid, and they got paid very handsomely and everyone made money. But now that period has gone. So if you look at the history of recorded music from 1900 to now, there was a 25 year period where artists did very well, but the rest of the time they didn’t.


Obviously nobody cares

Lots of stuff has happened (as stuff is wont to do) since I last wrote a proper blog: both my sister and I had a birthday for a start. That’s not as important to us 30 something (big) people as it used to be, especially now that my sister and her partner have made a lovely niece for me…thanks guys 😉

I got exactly what I wanted for my birthday: a night of just being home with Michele, the birds, good telly, Carlo’s cheapest, and a quality pizza. Really, that’s all I want out of life these days; it’s nice to regularly achieve it.
The night after that there was an informal gathering of people in a near-workplace bar that helped us all get drunk in a friendly, relaxed, atmosphere. Not quite the Hob/Marquis/Walpole/Amersham, but not far off it. Seriously, some of these American chaps are really rather sound. And the chapesses. Who are also chaps.

Today we went to Michele’s Mum’s as an early Mothers’ Day thing (Michele can’t attend tomorrow because she is working a million hour day at the clinic). This turned out to be extremely enjoyable and involved good food, drink, good family, diatonic accordions, and Sesame Street. Diatonic accordions are extremely good fun by the way, especially if you know your way around a diatonic harmonica. In fact I’m going to try to find one in some flea-market somewhere.

It has been a busy few weeks, both in work and outside. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact the ambient mood in our house hovers around the mellow. That can’t be bad.
