
I can’t begin to describe how upset, sad, uptight and angry I feel about this move. Tomorrow is the big day and we’re almost ready….but not quite. I don’t want to move, especially not into Goldsmiths. It seems such a bad, retrograde step – despite the limited financial benefits. We’ve been planning to move to America for so long now, and moving into Surrey bloody House just doesn’t cut the mustard. We know it’s not permanant and so all the effort, sweat and panic, we know will happen again in the not too distant future. Horrible feeling.

So here we are, half-heartedly putting everything we can see into the nearest box (we’re way past trying to make the boxing logical). I know we’re about to be without ADSL for at least a fortnight and so blogging is going to be difficult. Shutting down “teapot” and packing he amp and speakers really made me feel unhappy. No music, and no broadband….I’d rather be without water. No I wouldn’t, I love water. But it’s still a scary thought. Oh well – atleat this lovely iBook + a crap 3com AP and a DSL modem can keep me happy for tonight…

Humph is totally confused by the whole deal – poor little sod. He has been so affectionate recently. He’s been spending most of his time outside the cage and sitting on us. He feels comfortable enough to sit on our shoulders these days which is an indescribable feeling. He just wants to be part of the flock.

Anyay, we’re spending 250 quid (we don’t own) on a removals firm tomorrow so hopefully they’ll sort us out and make life much easier.


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