Heeavnin’ clarsehs

Ever since we moved here, we’ve been astounded by the number of English accents on the TV and radio. Not that they’re even particularly good voices, but over here it’s lapped up regardless. About a month ago a friend of mine noticed that a nearby school was running classes in doing voice-over work and, knowing my interest, forwarded me the link. The first class was this evening and it was really quite fun. Thanks Jon. Michele liked the idea of doing another evening class and so picked Yoga, which runs at the same time as mine.

I’d expected the guy running the class to be a bit bent and a bit of a bullshitter. Bullshit he had in quantity, but he is clearly not trying to rip us off…no more than the cost of the course anyway. Jesus that sounds like famous last words.

So there were twenty of us in the class, and if anyone had accidentally wandered in trying to find AA they would have felt like they were in the right place.

Then our man wanders in looking like the gay brother in the Sopranos. Serious Mafia face, sovereign rings, big shouldered white shirt tucked into smart trousers…and the dodgiest syrup you’ve ever seen. I had to employ the utmost willpower to avoid staring at it and laughing out loud. If that isn’t a qualification for being an actor, I don’t know what is.

He was great though. Imagine getting paid to talk!

After our classes, we went home via Wawa…Mmmmm…Wawa…


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