Ch ch ch changes

Turbulence, of our own making. As Michele repeatedly said to me, just before we got married, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Well, I wished for a new job and appear to have it. A job at C——p. If you’ve never heard of them then just remember that they probably own you. A multi national global capitalist organ. But hey, they pay better, I’ll be working, at worst, in Lewisham, at best from home, and the stuff I deal with is purely open source (sendmail/perl etc)! Hoorah! Goodbye Windows! Goodbye users! They also seem like a good bunch of people. And I’m not even going to miss the Goldsmiths possee because I’ll still be able to see em all! Woohoo.

The only potential bugger is the spectre of moving house. We presume we’ll have to move out of cosy little flat as we’re no longer full time college employees 🙁

I’ve been into Big Brother and I do feel dirty as a result. But this time I’ve propped up my pathetic addiction by taking part in discussions on and on irc://
Also, after my dad gave me a CD of Stan Tracey’s music for Under Milk Wood, I fear I may end up really liking Jazz 🙂


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