Bollocks. Really.

Michele had a job interview today. She really wanted it and spent the last few nights preparing; they wanted all candidates to do a presentation. Why ? Christ knows.
Yet again, the internal candidate got it. Yet another public-sector setup. I know it goes on because I’ve seen it time and time again. From both sides of the interview table. It isn’t fair on anyone. Least of all the taxpayer who is shelling out for this expensive waste of time. Michele was, of course, heartbroken, but at least this time she was prepared, and asked whether the successful candidate was internal. At least she knows it wasn’t her lack of skill or preparation that was at fault. But what a bizarre and depressing dance to perform. Can’t the laws be changed so that people who are going to get the job anyway, can ? Why waste the time, smash the hopes, and generally piss off, the good candidates ? Why waste the time of the HR department and the, usually very well paid, people on the panel ?
I’ve been on quite a downer recently for many, many reasons. Believe it or not I’m doing my utmost to look on the bright side. So here is a list of good things:

  • I’ve still got a job…even though I wish 80% of the people that work here would kill themselves in a dignified way
  • That means that I like 20% of them
  • Some of the 20% I really like and consider to be good friends
  • I’m currently warm, fed, have a beautiful, clever wife, a beautiful parrot, a glass of red wine, good music and a lovely iBook into which I’m typing this blog. In fact looking at this I should really shut the fuck up whinging shouldn’t I ? It’s just that unless something changes in our lives we won’t have this much longer
  • Lisa’s birthday tomorrow
  • Humph was particularly loving and sweet today. I fell asleep on the sofa and when I woke up he flew over and landed on me. After that he spent a time clambering around me and the sofa (the parrot equivalent of mountaineering
  • We recently saw “Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind” which, apart from being the film with the most pretentious title ever and despite starring Kate Winslet, was one of the best films I’ve seen for years. Until watching this I’d thought Kate Winset was an over-hyped, sneering, munter, who can’t act very well. But it turns out she’s a gorgeous girl and brilliant actor. Who’d have guessed ? Watch it! Really! It’s great! (Thanks Ben)
  • As a result of watching it, I discovered this fact
  • Maryland Double Choc Chookies

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