Good week, considering

Kimmel Center ceilingDespite having been quite miserable for the majority of the last few months, I thought it probably better to record something positive rather than try to let out a long, anguished, scream in blog form. Everyone already knows about the global march backwards through the Enlightenment and into a new era of Feudal-Fascism so, instead of talking about that, here is a list of good things that happened this week, for future me to relish when looking back on the cadaver scattered wasteland of 2025.

  • Quiet drink at Blondie’s and C turns up after spotting me through the window.
  • My cousin wrote a little song about Il Douche. To the tune of “Delta Dawn” by “Tanya Tucker”:
    Diaper Don Diaper Don What’s the nappy you have on?
    Could it be a life on burgers and french fries?
    And did we hear you say you would rule the world your way”Delta Dawn” by “Tanya Tucker”:
    With Elon Musk to help you spread your lies.
    When he was a boy his daddy called him Dopey Don
    The dumbest kid he’d ever set eyes upon
    But now he sits in the White House pretending he’s a king
    Expecting all the world to come and kiss his ring
    Diaper Don, Diaper Don you sure are smelling strong
    And the all pervasive pong is hard to bear
    Your presence in the White House makes it stink just like a shitehouse
    But one fine day you’ll be no longer there
  • The monthly tradition of going to the Oyster house, followed by a quiet drink at Spice Finch with C, some Pinot Grigio, and a free brownie from the lovely server.
  • MQIO lives! — I can’t explain this, but it was a work achievement.
  • Javastation Lives! — this is a personal project that will get its own blog post because I’m surprisingly excited.
  • At last, after wanting one for 48 years, I can now teleport off this planet.
    Me wearing my new Blake's 7 teleport bracelet
  • Severance! I mean…Severance!
  • Nice domestic cosiness with the flock – and it seems Pepper sometimes practices talking in secret.
  • A nice Happy Friday at Milkboy with J (also Ax with her new London tattoo and experience of Spittalfields market).
  • Been listening to some great music ranging from classic Jungle, Angel Olsen, Charlotte Gainsbourg, ambient stuff, Bob Vylan and Amy Taylor.
  • Wordle, and Globle, and Connections discussions.
  • Altoids arctic mints – peerless.
  • Posh lunches: Vernick fish and Dandelion.
  • New Come Dine and Apprentice (UK obv).
  • The Philadelphia Orchestra at Kimmel – amazing all round. Ravel and Holst.


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