Fridays again

As I have mentioned before, one of the loveliest things about London (possibly England (possibly Britain (possibly Europe))) is the “after work drink”, especially on a Friday. In this job, my 12,000th since moving to America, I am very lucky to not only have a bunch of people who enjoy the same semi-religious ritual, but we also have a de-facto place to worship.
Nothing dramatic, gossip-worthy, or significant, needs to happen; we just need to talk and laugh. It sounds like such a simple recipe doesn’t it? But it’s surprisingly difficult to find. You need people with whom you can communicate in a way that doesn’t involve sport, and also who aren’t affected negatively by someone with a foreign accent, and who says a lot of stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense. You also need people who don’t drive to work. How fortunate to have found such people! And tonight, after my old team-mates had left to pursue their commutes and domestic duties, how extra-lucky was I to be invited into a new cabal of people who work in a related team and share this odd collection of values?

It has been a while since I last blogged, and a lot has happened. The last couple of weeks have been genuinely enjoyable and that probably has something to do with why it’s easy to write again.

Some cryptic stuff to remind myself about why life has been enjoyable:

  • Working with Homehub CPE on TLS1.2.
  • Nick and his team are delightful to work with.
  • Pub quiz with Matt, RJ et al
  • Birds…including Russ.

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