Fahrenheit 1984

We’ve just watched Fahrenheit 9/11. We couldn’t wait for the capitalist machine to allow us to go out and pay to see it. Even though Mr Moore doesn’t seem to object, we still plan to go and see it at the cinema and maybe even buy the DVD.

Brilliant. Easily as good as “Roger and Me”. It’s gratifying to see that America seems to love it too.
No matter how much you think you know about the oil wars, Afganistan, Iraq, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens, there will be footage in this film that will astound you.
We’ve been looking forward to seeing it for months and it didn’t let us down. As you know, I’ve been saying George Orwell will be proved more and more accurate as every day goes by. The last quote in the film was from 1984 and could have been written by our contemporaries about either of the Iraq wars.

Last night was our Woollen/Copper wedding anniversary (7 years – no, I’m serious). We spent the day looking through the Time Out good food guide and London Eating for some gourmet, local food. After lots of debate we narrowed them down to two. Both of the buggers were closed on sunday night. The third option, which we both agreed was probably too poncey, I called, and was forced to leave a pathetic message on their answering machine.
Saddened by our shitty luck, we did our best to think of local eateries and came up with Toads Mouth Too. Just as we were leaving, No 3 called to see what time we wanted to book a table for. We had to get the bus because the cab company let us down (no surprises there). Just outside, Michele got sprayed with muddy water from a Lewisham Council paving stone that may well result in a law suit.
However, despite these bad omens we had a great night. Lots of nice wine, food, and company, including the owner. She donated a couple of glasses of champers to our celebrations and then joined us for a long chat. She also let us read the short story that provided the restaurant’s name…you don’t want to know.


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