Are bears catholic ?

When “Charmin” first started hawking their bogroll in the UK they had an advertising campaign involving bears shitting in woods. I liked this frankness, and I liked the fact that there was no attempt to hide what you were supposed to do with their product. However, tonight they demonstrated how shite their current marketing scum are with a new ad:
Two sisters, arguing over bogroll. Their banter is clearly supposed to make us, the lumpen target audience, identify with them: “heh, me and my sister have arguments like that all the time! I think I’ll buy that bog roll”. They decide to perform a dubious set of experiments, involving blue liquid of course, to see who was right. Amazingly, the Charmin advocate won, purely on scientific grounds!
So, viral marketing gurus, listen up. Here is a way to make a lot of money. Remake the Chamin advert, but instead of the blue liquid, acually get them to wipe their arses and compare the results!
People will love the honesty 🙂 Charmin would surely pay for that sort of publicity.

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