Wickham Wonders

It’s been a long time since I last visited the Wickham Arms in Brockley. In fact it was on New Years Day 2002, and on that day I learned that the most excellent lardlord was leaving. What joy then to discover that the pub hasn’t changed at all since his departure. Therefore it is still my favourite pub in the world!

After work I met up with Pete Bates at his house in Brockley where Pete, Bill and Naomi (who is also Pete’s girlfriend) entertained me with some fascinating works of art that originated from various scrapheaps in South London. They could charge admission to their house…
Anyway after doing some geeking with Pete and his Linux boxen we had a few in the Wickham and listened to the live pub band. I don’t care what anyone says, you can’t beat a good pub rock band. Fuck pub DJs. Ok they’ve got some 0day tunez and a bored looking girlfriend, but where’s the fun ? A decent pub band full of hairy 50-somethings doing what they love is a league away from some pretentious teenager who is too crap to work for a proper nightclub.
Pete lives about a minute away from the pub and has a wireless network so it was only matter of time before I brought my laptop along and had a play. From the “garden” of the Wickham I was able to check my email which is all that matters 🙂 The AP isn’t even near his window! Thanks Pete and thanks for your wireless network.
Once home, Michele and I finished watching “Catch Me If You Can” on the iBook in bed. Sometimes it’s nice living in the future. Red wine and a good film in bed with someone you love….what could be better ?

Night all…

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